Abstract Submission

Abstract submission has been closed. Notification on abstract acceptance: 10 May 2024

Abstracts should follow APA format and include:

Title: 15 words or fewer (use upper-case letters only for the first word and names).

Author(s) details (name and affiliation): First name(s) followed by surname(s); Institution of affiliation, city and country.

The body of the text should be no longer than 250 words and include the problem under investigation; the participants (specifying number, age, sex, and ethnic group); essential features of study methodology; basic findings; conclusions and implications/applications.

Abstracts of review papers should include the problem and aims, basic postulates, conclusions and implications.

Abstracts of professional papers should include the aim, description and results of the implemented intervention, as well as suggestions for its improvement.

Workshop abstracts should include the aims, description and expected outcomes of the planned activities, the optimal number of participants and the proposed duration.

Keywords: please include three to five.

The abstract should not include tables, graphics or references.

Abstracts will be accepted in Macedonian and English.

Important info

One author can submit no more than two papers and be the first or only author of one paper.

All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by two reviewers and based on their decision authors will be informed of the acceptance of the abstract.

Oral presentations will last 15 minutes: 10 min for the presentation and 5 min for questions and discussion.

Official languages of the conference are Macedonian and English.